James Martin Brown, Esquire
Undergraduate Education:
- The George Washington University, Washington, DC
- Bachelor of Arts Degree 1974 (High Honors)
- Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha chapter
- National Honor Society
- Who’s Who of American University Students Dean’s List, every semester
Law School Education:
- The University of Florida College of Law Gainesville, Florida
- Juris Doctor Degree 1976 Florida Blue Key
- Omicron Delta Kappa Dean’s list
- Criminal Practice Clinic Program
- Student Bar Assn. committee chairman and membership
- Vice-Chancellor, University Honor Court University Honor Court Chief Defense Counsel
Admissions to Practice:
- Florida Supreme Court and all Florida Courts
- District of Columbia Court of Appeal and all DC Courts The Supreme Court of the United States
- The US 11th Circuit Court of Appeal
- The US District Court for the Middle District of Florida
Legal Career:
- Certified Legal Intern, Public Defender’s Office 4th Circuit of Florida (1976)
- Certified Legal Intern, State Attorney’s Office 5th Circuit of Florida (1976)
- Assistant State Attorney, 5th Circuit of Florida (1976-1984) Division Chief, Hernando, Citrus and Sumter Counties Chief Trial Assistant
- Chief of Homicide and Major Crimes Prosecutions
- Deputy State Attorney for the 5th Judicial Circuit of Florida Appointed Acting State Attorney
- Private Practice of Law (1985-present) in Brooksville, Florida
Member of:
- The Florida Bar
- The District of Columbia Bar
- Florida Association Of Criminal Defense Lawyers Family Law Division, The Florida Bar
- Criminal Law Division, The Florida Bar
- Hernando County Bar Association
- Hernando, Citrus, Sumter County Bar (past president) Charter Member of Hernando Citrus Inns of Court Member, The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels
Summary of Legal Experience
39 Years of Practice in Florida as an Attorney in active litigation 200 Jury Trials including :
- Felony and Misdemeanor Criminal cases,
- General Civil
- Personal Injury
- Medical Malpractice (negligence)
7,500 + Bench Trials, contested and evidentiary Hearings including: Contested Divorce
- Child Custody and Parenting Litigation
- Child Support
- Modification of Final Judgment Dependency
- Alimony
- Asset Distribution and Debt Apportionment Contempt of Court
Domestic Violence Restraining Orders Repeat and Dating Violence Injunctions
300 + Mediations including:
- Divorce and Family Law General Civil
In 39 years of legal practice in Central Florida, Attorney James Martin “ Jimmy” Brown has daily courtroom experience, prosecuting and defending Thousands of criminal cases including:
- Premeditated Murder (death Penalty) 2nd Degree and 3rd Degree Murder
- Manslaughter
- Sexual Battery
- Kidnaping
- Home Invasion and Burglary Armed Robbery
- Theft (all levels)
- Fraud
- Trafficking in Drugs and Controlled Substances
- Possession and sale of Controlled Substances DUI (all levels)
- Vehicular Homicide and DUI Manslaughter Identity Theft
- Forgery and Uttering
- Child Abuse and Neglect Pornography and obscenity offenses Juvenile Delinquency
- Tax offenses
- Traffic and Motor Vehicle offenses
- Domestic Violence
- Battery and Assault
- Firearms offenses
- Weapons offenses