What To Do In A DUI Situation?
Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes from time to time. Some mistakes are more serious than others. One of t...
You may have never thought it could happen to you. Most individuals who are accused of a crime never expected it. It is not a circumstance that individuals believe will happen to them, but when it does, you need a Brooksville criminal defense attorney to defend your rights.
Learn MoreLets face it, we all make mistakes from time to time. Some mistakes are more serious than others. One of those mistakes is getting charged with a DUI in the state of Florida. It is a mistake than can have severely damaging effects on one’s personal life as well as their career.
Learn MoreAt The Law Office of Jimmy Brown, we are committed to maximum recovery for our clients that have been injured in car wrecks. Our goal is to ensure you are fairly compensated for your personal injuries. You may be entitled to compensation due to loss of income or inability to work.
Learn MoreWhile you may feel as if your estate planning documents are already in order, it is important that they remain up to date. Even if you have filed your paperwork before, there is a good change there will be a number of changes that will take place before you move onto a better place.
Learn MoreIf you are filing for divorce in Florida, each circuit may have specific requirements depending on where you file. If you have specific questions about your case, you should contact an experienced family law attorney for advice. At The Law Office of Jimmy Brown, we can help.
Learn MoreMurder is the premeditated act of killing another human being or fetus. Murder and homicide are the most serious crimes in criminal law. If you have been charged with murder or homicide, it is imperative that you make sure your legal and constitutional rights are protected from the start. Before speaking...
Fraud is the wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. People can be charged with fraud crimes whether they intended to deceive or not. It’s best to hire an attorney with experience with this type of charge in order to prepare your case. Your case will be treated...
Drug related charges are very serious and require professional attention. Having a drug charge on your record can impact your career and personal life. Being convicted of a drug crime may also come with prison time. If you are charged with a drug crime, James Martin Brown is here to help. With over 30 years of...
A weapons charge involves the possession of a firearm. Some examples are carrying an illegal firearm or carrying of a firearm by a convicted felon. A weapons charge can result in a misdemeanor or a felony leaving you with a fine or jail time. If you have been arrested with a weapons charge...
Burglary and theft charges can range from shoplifting to armed robbery. If you are accused of taking something of value or even attempting to, can result in serious charges against you. The seriousness of the offense depends on the worth of the object stolen and if there were any kind of...
There are many different types of sex crimes you can be charged with. Sexual assault, indecent exposure, prostitution and statutory rape are examples of just a few of them. Being accused of a sex crime can be very impactful with detrimental effects on your life. We believe that our clients deserve...
Have you been arrested and charged with a DUI or DWI in Brooksville, Florida or the surrounding area? If so, you will need an aggressive lawyer to to help manage and overcome your case. Florida takes drinking and driving seriously and the penalties reflect it. As with any criminal charge, it’s important...
A probation violation occurs when a person fails to comply with the conditions of probation. Violating your probation can happen a number of ways. One way is if your restitution has not been paid or another may be if a court hearing or mandated program has been skipped. A probation violation...
White collar crime refers to a financially motivated nonviolent crime committed by business and government professionals. Mortgage and insurance fraud are a couple examples of white-collar crimes. White collar cases are usually document-loaded and involve complex financial...
Disorderly conduct covers a wide range of offenses used to prohibit actions, threats or words that could disrupt the peace or raise awareness of others. Even though this charge usually results in just a misdemeanor, it is avoidable with an experienced lawyer. Early investigation is key...
Domestic Violence is the act of committing a serious threat, physical force or violence against a domestic partner or significant other. Some examples of domestic violence are hitting, choking or assault with a weapon. Domestic violence charges can be tough to deal with since...
Some examples of federal crimes are money laundering, tax fraud, computer hacking and racketeering. We defend all federal crimes and have a successful proven track record when it comes to these cases. Remember that you have the right to remain silent, so exercise that right. When your...
If a minor has been arrested in Florida, their future hangs in the balance. Most juvenile crimes are adjudicated as a civil delinquency, however, sometimes a delinquency proceeding leads to a transfer to adult criminal court or prosecutors may try and bypass juvenile court altogether. If your...
Battery is violent physical contact against another person. It is a very serious crime and so are the penalties given for a conviction. Assault charges can be made against you even if there is no physical injury. Relying on an overworked public defender could land you jail. Call an attorney that...
Served as Deputy State Attorney from 1977-1984
Served as Chief of Major Crimes Division from 1979-1984
Served as Chief of Homicide Division from 1980-1984
Started James Martin Brown, ESQ. private law practice
Became member of Association of Trial Lawyers of America
Joined the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes from time to time. Some mistakes are more serious than others. One of t...
Having a will is arguably one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your family. Not only can...
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